Started from manufacturing clean room fan in 2005, Suzhou Super Clean Technology Co.,Ltd(SCT) has already become a famous clean room brand in domestic market. We are a high-tech enterprise integrated with R&D, design, manufacturing and sales for a wide range of clean room products such as clean room panel, clean room door, hepa filter, fan filter unit, pass box, air shower, clean bench, Wegen Booth, skjinne booth, LED Panel Light, ensfh.

Additionally, we are a professional clean room project turnkey solution provider including planning, design, production, delivery, installation, commissioning, validation and training. We mainly focus on 6 clean room application such as pharmaceutical, laboratory, electronic, hospital, food and medical device. Op it stuit hawwe wy oerseeske projekten foltôge yn FS, Nij Seelân, Ierlân, Poalen, Letlân, Tailyk, Filipinen, Argentynje, Seneg, ens.


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